
stringybark 4Stringybark

Timber and Rose has Stringybark flooring and decking in a range of sizes and grades.

Stringybark is a beautifully coloured timber that is a warm nut brown colour and brings a lovely natural appeal to your home. It is one of the most attractive flooring timbers for a home.

One of the most appealing aspects of this timber is the interesting range of natural characteristics and insect trails. It occur as a result of Australia’s harsh climate. The texture of Stringybark timber is medium to fine. The grain is mainly straight but occasionally interlocked and can show gum veins. These features blend just right with its closed grain allowing designers and home owners to create a stunning natural look, not dissimilar to recycled flooring. It is a large hardwood that grows in the tablelands of southern NSW and in eastern Victoria. A Stringybark can be any of the many Eucalyptus species which have thick, fibrous bark.

Fantastic for use in flooring and decking and accepts stains well, is available in wide boards up to 180mm and is a very affordable timber.

Stringybark is very hard with an above average Janka hardness rating of 8.5, making it a great choice for both residential and commercial applications in flooring, decking and cladding.

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