Blackbutt Lining Boards V Join / Regency Reversible
$5.61 – $71.92 incGST
Blackbutt Lining Boards V Join / Regency Reversible
Blackbutt is a beautiful light to mid brown colour with tinges of pink. The grain is usually straight and texture its medium and even, stunning for Lining
The name Blackbutt – EUCALYPTUS PILULARIS – came about due to the tree’s appearance after bushfire, whereby the buttress – or butt – was significantly darkened. A moderate to large tree, attaining 40 to 60 m in height and 1 to 2 m in diameter. It has a straight slender trunk, circular in cross-section. The bark on the lower part of the trunk is dark grey-brown in colour, fibrous and fissured. Typical smooth gum type bark occurs on branches and the uppermost part of the trunk. Found in coastal regions from southern New South Wales to Maryborough, Queensland. Plantation-grown timber
Blackbutt’s appearance is pale brown with a faint tinge of pink when freshly cut. Sometimes the sapwood is indistinguishable from the heartwood but usually it is slightly paler in colour. The durability above ground is Class 1 – life expectancy over 40 years. Durability in-ground is Class 2 – life expectancy 15 to 25 years. Sapwood is not susceptible to lyctine borer attack. Blackbutt is termite resistant.
Blackbutt will readily accept paint, stain and polish. High tannin and extractives content can result in staining of painted surfaces exposed to the weather.
Blackbutt provides good fire resistance and is one of seven hardwood timber species that was found to be suitable by the Building Commission in Victoria for home construction in bushfire areas (provided it has a thickness greater than 18mm).
A strong, durable hardwood, Blackbutt can be used for a range of structural, exterior and interior applications including framework, decking, flooring and poles.
Blackbutt is very durable and hard wearing with a Janka rating at 9.1