Ash Bench Tops – New
$350.00 incGST
Bench Tops – New
We produce to order Benchtops and Tables from our highest quality recycled timber. Use the enquiry form to specify your requirements: the quantity of tops needed, the width and length. In the case of a table, list the leg and rail size and any other timber needed. Also list the thickness you would like, eg 25 mm, 30 mm, or 40 mm. The benchtops or tabletops are filled and sanded and are ready for finishing. We can square dress, pencil round or aris the edges – your choice, no extra charge. If you click on the ‘Species’ below you will see our square metre cost to produce a made to order top. We can also make in recycled timber – see in Recycled timber under ‘Shop’. Send the form and we will have a quote to you with in 12 hours.