Spotted Gum F14
Spotted Gum is a beautiful timber with a variation in colour from mid brown to caramel and to chocolate brown. Gum veins are quite common and the presence of wavy grain can produce an attractive fiddleback figure. It is the highest volume native hardwood harvested in Queensland and has been used for construction, engineering, appearance products and round timbers. Spotted gum timber has a well-established market, and is in demand both nationally and internationally.
Spotted Gum – Corymbia Maculata / Corymbia Citriodora – trees can grow to 45 m in height and 1.3 m in diameter. They have straight, slender trunks with smooth bark. The bark is shed in patches, giving the species its characteristic spotted appearance. The appearance of the timber is quite varied in colour ranging from caramels to chocolates. Gum veins are quite common and the presence of wavy grain can produce an attractive fiddleback figure.
Highly desirable, its variation of colours makes it a great choice for matching any colour scheme within a home and its hard nature make it resistant to scratches and dints.
Spotted Gum will readily accept paint, stain and polish. It has a lower tannin content than most other eucalypts, therefore staining of paintwork, brickwork etc., as a result of water running over unpainted timber surfaces, is less likely to occur.
Spotted Gum is often used in wharf and bridge construction, railway sleepers, cross-arms, poles, piles and mining timbers. As unseasoned timber in general house framing and as seasoned dressed timber in cladding, internal and external flooring, decking, linings and joinery. Spotted Gum is also used in fencing, landscaping, retaining walls and as structural plywood, fine furniture, outdoor furniture, turnery, joinery, and parquetry.
Spotted Gum is very durable with a Janka rating of 11.0