Bench Tops and Tables
Timber & Rose make stunning timber bench tops and table tops in new timber or recycled timber. They look beautiful at home, in commercial environments or for retail applications such as shop counters or cafe table tops and bench tops.
We offer a made to order service to produce the exact length, width and thickness that your project requires. We start by selecting the best timber planks and arrange them to achieve the best aesthetic outcome. We profile each timber board and use a specialist glue system to create an incredibly strong join and then clamp the timbers together. We the fill any gum veins and knots that require and sand the top. We use a large bed sander to ensure the top is flat. Next, we hand sand the top numerous times to create a perfectly flat, smooth finish.
For Shop Fitters and Carpenters
For shop fitters and carpenters, we can provide the tops as an over sized blank. These are usually 100 mm longer and 50 mm wider than required so that the top can be trimmed to fit perfectly on site.
There is a huge range of timber species available to you to select from. Most Australian species are beautiful to use as a table or bench top. They include Blackbutt, Blue Gum Silvertop, Messmate, Spotted Gum, Ironbark Mahogany, Tallowwood, Turpentine, Rose Gum, Grey Gum, Grey Box, Brush Box, Jarrah and Karri. We also produce bench tops and tables in imported species such as Cherry, French Oak, American Oak, European Oak and Walnut.
We can create the bench tops and tables using narrow boards, or from wide boards. Again, this is your choice as you may have an aesthetic preference. We can offer advice and help steer you in the right direction if you are uncertain.
We are able to produce the thickness that you require. The standard thickness is generally 20 mm, 30mm, 38 mm and 65 mm with the 30 and 38 mm being the most popular. That said, we can make any thickness in between and up to 120 mm thick if required.
We apply an edge profile to the top at no extra charge. There is a huge range of styles available including arris, chamfer, pencil round and square.
Prices start at $300.00m2 depending on the species.
Click on the enquiry form and send details of you requirements and we will have a quote ready the same day.